By default, ASP.NET will add the name="FormName" attribute to the rendered XHTML.
To force ASP.NET to omit the name attribute, simply add the following tag to the system.web section of your web.config file for your app:
<xhtmlConformance mode="Strict" />
Be warned, however; unfortunately it doesn't seem to make ASP.NET render HyperLinks properly. I have an asp:HyperLink that happens to have an ampersand (&) in the Text and ToolTip properties. The ToolTip properly renders a title="" attribute with the ampersand encoded as & ... but the text between the open and close <a> tags doesn't have the ampersand properly encoded.
The only advice I can give you there is to:
1. Use the word "and" instead of an ampersand
2. Make static "a" tags instead of using the ASP.NET HyperLink object, if you can. If someone knows a smoother/quicker/more elegant solution, please leave a comment with it!